
My spaceship somehow landed on mars it was hot and desert like. A weird looking alien kind of a rhino with an axe and shield was taking me to a rather small cage. I felt like a doll, a doll being taken everywhere. Suddenly I felt a thud, landing in a cage. The rather big blue rhino thing threw me, threw me like the doll had been rejected. The creatures kept me prisoner feeding me nothing but rocks hot as the core itself. I felt hungry, so hungry I could have eaten an elephant. My ribs were starting to show, my stomach was starting to ache, I was sick, lonely and afraid.
The sun was blazing the scorching heat burnt my skin. There was a crater about one metre from me, drops of lava struck me burning scorch marks on my skin.
Their race was advanced it was much greater than our own. All of these creatures did not speak they used facial expressions to communicate. It was quite amusing but smart the way they did it, it was very similar to the human facial expressions. From what I had seen they were not the nicest of creatures and I did not know what they wanted from me. After several days I discovered the code to the door. I opened the cage door. An alarm suddenly started ringing; I stood up, my back cracked from sitting down too long. I ran, suddenly I felt a pain in my arm. I went to look at my arm, stumbling, I saw a little bug like creature on my arm. I knocked it off, but too late, the poison had set in. I stumbled into my ship, which had not yet been discovered by the rhino’s.
I set the co-ordinates to Earth but before I could press launch the effect of the poison set in. Collapsing my head hit the launch button.
That was my story.



25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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