You never know who you will meet

You Never Know who you will Meet
Jordan Galanos

Bash bang the door slammed shut I got out of bed to see what it was. When I got to the pantry I hid inside, I crept backwards to the back of the pantry but I didn’t get to the back, I bumped into something, I turned around and the light turned on and I got a shock there were two vampires standing in front of me. I was so scared that I ran to the backyard and over to the shed, I couldn’t see the vampires so I tucked up in the corner and went to sleep.
When I woke up in the morning I looked out of the shed and saw the vampires they were all asleep. I ran into the house and told my mum and dad all about the vampires and they said you must be joking! No mum I’m not joking I said so mum said to invite the vampires to dinner tomorrow. That night I went to look for the vampires, I found them playing in the water. I went up to them and said don’t kill me I only want to know if you would like to come to my house for dinner and the vampires said ok. So I told them when to come and then went home.
When the vampires arrived I said take a seat and they sat down. We had roast beef and baked potatoes with sour cream and blueberry pie with ice cream for desert. When dinner was finished the vampires organized a play date and went home.
On the play date we played piggy in the middle, tiggy, soccer, cricket and football then we were so tired we had a nap. When we woke up we had something to eat and then the vampires went back to their cave forever and never came back to my house.
The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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