
“I don’t love anyone!” I growled at him. Then I suddenly realised I was lying, and he knew it.
“Then, why is your heart beating so fast?” his sweet, flowing voice encouraging me to love him more “are you lying to me?”
“I don’t know” I was whispering now because it was hard to admit. “Do you think I’m lying?”
“Yes” he said in the same sweet voice. “I very much think you are what else could explain that heartbeat and those sparkling eyes at the same time, you’re not scared”
I looked away then, not wanting him to read the other emotions going through me. “Do you love me?”
He paused. “Do you like music?”
“Don’t change the subject… you do, don’t you!?”
He paused again. “Yes” he whispered sounding as unable to admit as I was. “Have you loved anyone before me?”
“No” I replied, whispering again “that’s why I’m so unsure”
“Will you go to the movies with me on Saturday?” he whispered, with his irresistible voice “please?”
I thought for a moment. “You’ll have to ask my parents first… they’re a bit over-protective…you know how parents are when their only daughter goes on her first date?”
“I guess so… but is it a yes from you?”
“I’ll be at your house sometime after school on Thursday… if that’s ok with you”
“Sure, why not…thanks”
“I love you” his voice melted me from the core out. I felt his warm arms around me and my cold arms around him, then he kissed my cheek and released me.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. We better get to class.” Just then the bell rang.
“Won’t I see you after class?”
“I’ve got to leave early today… bye”
“Bye!” he turned and walked away.
Suddenly Phoebe and Larissa, who have been my friends since kindy were standing on each side of me. “So what did Lindsey say?” Phoebe asked joyfully.
I felt as if I was going to faint “who’s Lindsey?” I said and I heard the unsteadiness in my voice.
“’who’s Lindsey?’ Kathleen have you lost your mind? Lindsey is only the hottest guy in the universe and he was talking to you just then… Kathleen are you feeling ok ‘cause you don’t look very well.”
“Oh that Lindsey! He helped me figure out I love him after all…and he loves me too…he asked me if I wanted to go to a movie this Saturday”
Larissa cut me off “what did you say?”
I realised I had stopped breathing and inhaled “I said he would have to ask my parents, so he is coming over after school on Thursday…” Both Phoebe and Larissa froze to the spot with their mouths open, staring at me. “What?”
“Why didn’t you just say yes?!” Phoebe exclaimed, her eyes still wide.
“I did, sort of, well I said I would if my parents let me.” I sighed “come on girls we have to get to class before Mr. Black gives us a detention for being late!” They responded to that and we started running to Geography which was, in my opinion, the worst subject along with PE and Sport.
After school, when mum picked me up, I told mum that one of my friends was coming to our house after school tomorrow, though I didn’t say who it was, and she said it was fine with her.
For dinner we had sausages and mashed potato, dad’s specialty. I went to bed early so I wasn’t tired for when Lindsey came over the next day. I dreamed about a hundred different versions of tomorrow afternoon.
When I got to school Lindsey met me just out of sight of where mum parked the car and we walked to my first class hand-in-hand. When we got there he gave me a hug, kissed the top of my head and said goodbye in the same voice he used yesterday. I thought about him all through class.
Lindsey met me at the door when I got out of class and we went to go and sit under the big tree with Phoebe and Larissa. “Hi” Phoebe and Larissa both said in unison with shocked looks on their faces.
Lindsey laughed and put his arm around me “so why are you two looking so surprised? Hasn’t Kathleen told you we’re going out?”
I laughed and rested my head against his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat and comparing it with my rapid one “it’s a girl thing”
“But you don’t have that expression spread across your face”
“Haven’t you noticed all girls look at you like that when you’re near them? I don’t have that expression because I know you’re closer to me than them” I looked at his face and saw him smiling down at me. I melted.
“So, what time should I come over after school?”
“Sometime before six, I don’t care how long you stay for”
“Good” his smooth voice now had a little edge to it “how do you think your parents will react when I come to the door?”
“I’ve told them I have a friend coming over but I didn’t tell them it was you… I think it would be funny to see their reaction!”
“Ok, so how are you guys?” Lindsey said to Phoebe and Larissa calmly. The girls both giggled. Pathetic! “Are they always like this?” Lindsey asked me.
“No, just when there’s a hot guy around” I said giggling.
Just as I said that he kissed my hair. “I love you” his was voice flowing like honey.
I looked up at him “I love you too” I whispered, then paused.” What do you want to do tonight?”
He thought for a minute. “is there somewhere where we can be alone tonight, at your house, without your parents seeing or hearing us?”
“Yeah out the back…why?”
“I want to show you something…”
“Then, why can’t they hear us?” I said confused.
“Do you like animals?” he said looking nowhere in particular.
“Don’t try and change the subject again”
“I’m not, it’s totally relevant”
“Yes I love animals, and I hate anyone who thinks its right not to treat them with respect!”
He smiled down at me “perfect”
“So, do you mind psycho dogs, and why is this relevant anyway?”
“I love all dogs and all other animals too and you’ll see why it’s relevant tonight” he said with a huge smile on his face. Then the bell rang. “Time for class” he effortlessly pulled me to my feet and we said goodbye to Phoebe and Larissa. Lindsey walked me to class again. I had maths, which is one of the best subjects, and we got out Algebra test results back…I got 91% which was highest in the class and my teacher was really pleased.
When class was finally finished Lindsey met me at the door as usual and said goodbye, then ran to catch his bus. I went to the car where mum was waiting.
“When you get home you have to chain up the dog for when your friend arrives so he doesn’t jump all over them” mum said as she started the engine.
“You know I don’t like to put him on the chain, and they don’t mind being jumped on by psycho dogs anyway”
“Ok, if you say so” she said with a sigh
When we got home dad was already there watching the sport channel, as usual. I went to my room to do some cleaning, and then let the dog in to greet us before Lindsey got here.
“So what time is your friend coming?” dad said excitedly, because it had been a long time since I had invited someone over.
“Any time before six” I replied with enthusiasm. Just then the door bell rang. Dad opened the door and looked surprised when he saw Lindsey.
“Good evening sir, what’s your name?” Dad said still looking surprised.
“Good evening Mr Millard” Lindsey “I’m Lindsey Mensey it’s very nice to meet you”
“Nice to meet you too, Lindsey” Dad was now looking more surprised because Lindsey spoke so formally. “Come and sit in the living room.”
I came up to greet Lindsey with my dog, which was really dirty at the moment, in my arms. “Hey Lindsey” I said casually as I put the dog down.
“Hey, what’s up?” he said and hugged me.
“Are you kids coming in here or what?” dad yelled from the other room.
“I think we’d better get in there. After we talk for a bit in there we’ll go out the back”
“Ok” Lindsey said, he sounded exited. We went into the living room where dad was sitting in his recliner, but surprisingly the television was turned off. We sat together on the two seater sofa. His arm was around me and my head was resting on his shoulder.
“Kathleen is there something you aren’t telling me?” dad said sounding calm though his expression was blank.
“Mr Millard I-“dad cut him off.
“Please call me Lenny”
“Ok, Lenny, I came tonight to ask you if I could take Kathleen to the movies on Saturday”
“Well it depends what movie you want to see… no ‘MA’ ratings ok? But as long as Kathleen is willing to go with you it’s fine with me”
“Thanks dad” I said happily. “Come on let’s go out the back and talk alone” I said with emphasis on the last word, hoping dad would catch on. We went outside ‘alone’ with only the dog with us.
“Ok, what did you want to show me?” I said looking into his eyes.
“What’s your favourite animal?” Lindsey said with a smile on his face.
“As I said before I love all animals…but if I had to choose on I would say…the grey wolf”
Lindsey’s smile widened “don’t scream ok?”
“Why would I scream?”
“You’ll see” he said with a strong edge in his tone “are you sure no one can see us?”
I took a quick scan of the back yard “I’m sure”
“Count to three, then I’ll show you”
“One…Two …Three”
Suddenly Lindsey disappeared and in his place stood a grey wolf. My mouth hung open and I couldn’t believe my eyes. The wolf bowed his head and started walking slowly towards me. The wolf was Lindsey. When he was about half a metre away from me he stopped and sat before me. I shook my head wildly to get my expression under control, then took a step to close the distance between us and gave him a scratch behind the ear. Next thing I knew he was human again and my hand was on his cheek. I put both my arms around his neck.
“Aren’t you scared?” he said with a surprised look on his face.
“Surprisingly, no” I said calmly. “What other animals can you change into?”
“Wow, um, I can change into any animal. What animal do you want me to change into now?”
“A mountain lion!” I said with a wild smile.
“You like dangerous animals don’t you?” he said with an edge in his voice and a smile.
“Are you dangerous?” I said cautiously.
“Not if you’re on my good side, like you are” he put his arms around my waist and hugged me. He kissed my neck and I melted in his arms. He laughed softly and said “stand back”
I took a step back and he turned into a mountain lion. He came up to me and rubbed against my legs like a house cat. I giggled, then I bent down and started scratching behind his ear again. He purred. After a minute he stepped back and changed back into his human form.
“You know, you’re the first person I’ve told about being what I am.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist again. I put my arms around his neck. “I sensed from the moment I met you that you loved animals. But I couldn’t find the courage to ask you out or show you. Now I feel stupid about being so nervous.” He was looking at the ground, ashamed.
“You didn’t have to be nervous” I said as I put my hand on his cheek. He looked into my eyes and knew I meant it. He smiled, I smiled back. “Haven’t you told your parents?”
“I live alone.” He said, his mind far away.
“Who takes care of you? Feeds you? Pays for things you need?” I asked with concern.
“I care for myself, I hunt for food, and I make everything I need myself plus I have a part-time job at a the RSPCA”
“Where do you live?”
“In a place called Natrillia. No other human knows about it. I am their king.” He smiled down at me “where people populate the land is called the ‘forbidden land’. People can’t get there since there is a force field. I am here because it is my duty to find a queen to rule with me. The only possible way you would be able to get there is if I was carrying you in my arms… I don’t want to force you into anything… it’s your choice…”
I gave him a cheeky grin. “I’d love to rule Natrillia by your side king Lindsey.” I pulled away from him and curtseyed. He chuckled. “What?”
“You don’t have to curtsey to me if you are going to be queen”
“I guess so… what type of animals live in Natrillia? I want to know what to look out for and what I have to rule over.”
“There are mountain lions, wolves, squirrels, beavers, deer and the occasional bird. The mountain lions and the wolves are the protectors and warriors of Natrillia and I lead the battles when I have to, usually as an eagle or a cheetah.”
“But how was Natrillia before you came? You are only 15 so you couldn’t have been there for more than 5 years.”
“That is why I was afraid to tell you… I don’t age, I can’t get older, that is why I know so much about taking care of myself. I’m really 128 and Natrillia’s existence has lasted 10 years before me. It was chaos before I came. All the animals were at war against each other until I suggested they work together so they wouldn’t loose any warriors fighting amongst them selves and they have more for protecting Natrillia.”
“How many wives have you had before you met me?”
“None, there has been no need for a queen but I was lonely since I was the only human, so I came looking for someone suitable for the role of queen… and I found you.”
“But that means I will grow old and die eventually but you…you will live forever” I whispered sadly. He came over to me and held me close, his arms around my waist again. I rested on his chest. “Unless there is a way to make me like you…How did you become who you are?”
He thought for a minute. “I was at the zoo. One of the tigers got loose. When he saw me he knew that I, too, loved animals and that I wasn’t scared. He walked up to me slowly with his head down, a bit like I acted with you when I was a wolf. Everyone was watching us. I held my hand out to him and gave him a rub on the neck. I acted much like you did. Then I made the mistake of touching one of his paws…he accidentally scratched me and it drew blood, he licked the cut but I think that made it worse. Then one of the zookeepers jumped on him and he got angry. I told the person to get off him and they gave me a concerned look.
I took the tiger back to its enclosure and trusted it wouldn’t hurt me again, I think a tiger hair got caught in the wound when I gave him another rub on the neck to say goodbye. I was in all the news papers for a month, but then it died off since I didn’t do anything else worth putting in the newspapers. The night after I got the scratch I turned into a tiger, and was so startled I turned into a chicken” he chuckled to himself “then I tried many other animals. I filled the bathroom sink with water and tried turning into a seahorse, which worked, I even turned into a cat and talked to the cat that lived in the barn. But my mum found me and even though I showed her it was me she kicked me out of the house calling me a ‘demon’ and a ‘shape shifter’. So I turned into a cheetah and ran. Then I found Natrillia.”
“Sounds like you’ve had a rough life.” I said, as I wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him back. “Can you make me… whatever you are?”
“We’re in year 9 at the moment… what about after year 10 graduation?” he said thoughtfully.
“Fair enough, I guess… how will I tell my parents?” I said, thinking of Lindsey’s experience.
“We ask them if there is something they can keep a secret, from everyone, and then we tell them. If they don’t believe us, we show them.” He read the nervous expression on my face. “I’ll be there right next to you. If they throw us out, so be it. If they don’t we run away to Natrillia and we might visit every now and then… you will make a great queen. Why do you look so sad?”
“Well, I’ve always dreamed of ruling a land where I am queen and the citizens are animals, with a handsome king by my side… but now I’m not so sure… I’m sure I’ll love it…but I don’t know if I’m ready to be a queen, I’ll only be 16. Plus my parents won’t approve of me marrying at 16.”
“Don’t jump to conclusions. We will find a way, trust me.” He whispered in my ear with my favourite voice which was so smooth and gentle. I gave in.
“I do, and always will, you know that.” I said trying to match his lovely voice, but failing. I kissed his cheek, for the first time, and suddenly he was a white dove on my arm. I stroked his head with one finger and smiled. He flew from my arm and turned into a human in mid-air and landed on both feet.
“Wow.” He said shaking his head once. “I don’t think I’ve felt like that before, and that’s saying something!”
“Well you haven’t met someone like me before, True?” I said in a cheeky tone, getting his attention.
“Yes, very true.” He said in my favourite voice.
“I think we’d better get inside before mum and dad gets suspicious.” I told him.
“One last thing.” He said with a sparkle in his eyes. “Leave your bedroom window open tonight. I will come as a bird and watch you as you sleep.”
“It will be done” I said with a smile. He smiled back.
It was now 6:30pm and dinner was ready. “You going to stay for dinner Lindsey?” mum called from the kitchen. I looked up at Lindsey.
“If it’s alright with you…” Lindsey answered politely.
“Sure it is!” dad said to him. “Anything that makes my little girl happy.” Lindsey smiled back at me.
“What’s for dinner mum?” I said happily, still looking up at Lindsey.
“Roast beef.” Lindsey whispered in my ear so no one could hear him.
“Roast beef.” Mum said. We were standing around the dining table now. I gave Lindsey a confused look to ask how he knew. He tapped his nose. Of course I thought he has the sense of smell of a wolf. I nodded to show I understood. We all sat down.
“Can you put the dog outside Kathleen? He’ll be scratching our legs for food.” Dad asked me.
“Ok, come here Admetus time to go out.” I looked at Lindsey to see what he was thinking, he looked understanding.
When I came back they were waiting for me, in silence. I sat down and we started eating. Surprisingly, Lindsey was still well mannered. Dad was the first one to break the silence.
“So how long have you kept this secret from us?” dad asked curiously.
“Only a few days.” I said so Lindsey didn’t have to answer.
“If you hurt her…” dad ran his finger across his neck.
“Dad!” I exclaimed in horror and embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, Lenny, I won’t.” Lindsey said confidently, and smiled at me.
“Kathleen, be sensible.” Dad said softly.
“I will.” I said looking at Lindsey. He smiled at me again.
“Lovely cooking Mrs Millard.” Lindsey complimented, “it’s been a long time since I had something this good!”
“Thankyou Lindsey.” Mum said proudly.
When we finished dinner I went to let the dog inside with Lindsey following me. Then I went to the kitchen to prepare the dog’s food with Lindsey still following me.
“I know what you mean by overprotective.” Lindsey said, chuckling to himself.
“Don’t take it personally.” I assured him.
“It’s ok.” He said with a shrug. “He has a reason for protecting such a Beautiful, delicate girl.” He was now using my favourite voice. He put one hand on my waist and kissed my hair. Dad walked in then backed off.
“What did you want, dad?” I said casually, putting my hand on Lindsey’s which was still on my waist. Dad re-appeared looking sheepish.
“Sorry to interrupt, just getting a drink.”
“It’s ok.” Both Lindsey and I said together. We looked at each other and laughed. Dad joined in.
“Be good.” Dad said making his point clear.
“You already said that, and the answers the same.” I said looking back to the dog’s food.
“Just making sure.” Dad said smiling at us. He left.
“You wouldn’t like this food very much if you were a dog, would you?” I said looking at the dog’s dinner.
“Not really…” he said, breathing through his mouth so he didn’t smell it.
“What do you eat?” I said curiously.
“Normally things that are already dead or dying… I need to be considerate since I am king and I am those animals.” He was the most responsible person… animal I knew.
“I am not worthy of such nobility.” I said sounding sad. He smiled at me and put his hand on my cheek.
“I am not worthy of such beauty.” He said copying my voice. I smiled back. His hand was warm and comforting on my face. Then the dog just had to ruin the moment and scratched my leg, wanting his food.
“Ouch! Stop it Admetus!” I shouted. Then sighed in frustration. I gave the dog his dinner. “Can you teach that dog some manners for me?”
“Not now… I’d better go, I’ll be a bird at your window at 8:30, ok?”
“Sure, go tell the kingdom that I agreed to be their queen.”
“Ok. I love you.” He kissed my cheek. We walked into the lounge room where mum and dad were watching television. “I’ve got to go home, I just came to say goodbye, its been nice meeting you.”
“Got to leave so soon? That’s a shame.” Dad said sounding disappointed.
“Yeah, I need to be home by 7:00. So… bye.” We walked out the front. “I’ll see you at your window.”
“Yep.” I said happily. Then he turned into a cheetah, rubbed against my legs, and ran off. I walked into the house, and went to sit with mum and dad in the lounge room.
“So you finally got a boyfriend?” dad said with emphasis on the finally.
“I thought you didn’t want me to date till I was older.” I said confused.
“That was year 6 honey!” mum said giggling to herself.
“Oh… well I guess it was, wasn’t it?” I said giggling to myself, like mum. “I’m going to go and have a shower and get in my pyjamas.”
“Ok.” Mum said casually.
I went to my bedroom and opened the window. Then I went and found my least-revealing pyjamas. When I got in the shower it was really warm against my cold skin. I’ve always loved hot showers, now that I think of it I like the wether to be hot as well. I looked at my watch, which was on the basin; it was 7:10pm. I thought I should get out and get my room tidied before Lindsey got there. I got out of the shower and got dressed.
When I got to my room it was a mess! I started with clearing the stuff off my desk. There were books, CDs, rubbish, pieces of paper, pens, textas, and almost everything else I own. When I finished the desk I started on the floor. There wasn’t as much on the floor as on the desk but there was a lot of clothes. Next I tidied up the bookshelf, which didn’t have anything that wasn’t meant to go there but it looked untidy. Finally I was finished. I looked at my watch; it was 8:20pm.
I went into the living room and sat there for a few minutes. When it was almost 8:30pm I said goodnight to mum and dad and went to my room. When I got in my room Lindsey was a wolf on my bed, looking relaxed. When he saw me he was human again, and we smiled at each other. I sat on the bed beside him, and he put his arm around my shoulder.
“Did you tell them I agreed?” I asked him curiously. He nodded. “How did they react?”
“Better than I thought, actually. I thought they wouldn’t like the concept of me bringing another human into Natrillia, but they said they trusted me and if I trusted you they would too.” He pulled me onto his lap and put his cheek on my hair. I put my hand on his neck and stroked him, Lindsey started purring like a cat.
“I thought you could make animal noises when you were an animal.” I said confused.
“I thought so too, but since I met you lots of things happen that I didn’t expect.” He used my favourite voice. I took a risk and kissed his neck, thinking of the last time I kissed him. He froze. Then he smiled at me with a wild look in his eye.
“What are you thinking?” I said warily.
“I’m thinking you know how to make a guy melt to the core… and that I love you.”
I smiled relieved that it wasn’t worse. “Ok… I love you too. Listen out for mum or dad approaching, they normally come to check on me and turn out the light at 9:00.”
“Ok, I’ll be listening… thanks for reminding me.” He hugged me closer to himself. I lay across his chest and relaxed. After a few minutes he heard someone coming and laid me down, then he turned into a white dove and sat on the window ledge.
When dad came in he went to close the window. “Dad don’t close it, the dove is beautiful, and somehow it’s not afraid… just leave it I’ll close the window if the dove flies away.”
“Ok, if you say so.” Then he kissed my forehead and left. After a few seconds he came back over, as a human, and sat at my feet. I sat up and went to sit next to him.
“Thanks.” He whispered with a smile. “Is there any animal you want me to turn into while we sleep?”
“You can sleep on the bed on one condition. You can’t sleep under the covers with me, but you can have a separate blanket if you want.”
“Understood. What animal do you want?”
“A wolf or a large dog.” I said stroking his hair. Then he turned into a grey wolf. I lay down on the bed and got under the covers. “Do you want a blanket?” I asked him. He shook his head and lay beside me. I scratched his neck, he closed his eyes, I closed my eyes too but didn’t stop scratching him. Soon I was asleep. I dreamed of being queen of Natrillia, with Lindsey at my side.
When I woke up it was light and Lindsey was no longer beside me. I looked at the window, no Lindsey. He must have gone home to get ready for school. I got dressed in my dull school uniform; it was brown and green 5mm checked dress that went to your knees. The collar was square, which made it worse. When I was dressed I went to the kitchen and got some toast. Mum came in behind me.
“Hi mum.” I said in a happy mood. Mum looked scared. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” I commented sounding concerned.
“Last night there was a grey wolf lying next to you on the bed, and you were patting its neck!” she said sounding scared to match her expression.
“Oh that. Somehow, lately I’ve been attracting random animals but they don’t hurt me.” I said calmly. “What happened to it?”
Mum looked more scared now. “We told it to go outside; it licked your hand and went outside like we told it.”
“Good.” I said relieved that they didn’t hurt Lindsey. I started eating my toast. “Don’t worry about me, mum, I’m safe.” Mum went out of the room. I could hear her talking to dad. I didn’t know what they were saying but I guessed they were talking about ‘the grey wolf’.
When I’d finished breakfast I put on my shoes, brushed my hair and shouted a goodbye to mum and dad, I went to the door. I walked to school some days because our house was close enough to school. When I was at the end of our street I saw Lindsey and went to greet him.
“They found me on your bed last night.” He said sounding sad. “They kicked me out.”
“I know. Don’t worry about it, I covered for you.” I said putting my hand on his shoulder.
He smiled. “Thanks. I really don’t deserve this, you know?” I smiled too and we started walking towards school. There was a silence between us for a few seconds. “Tomorrow I’ll pick you up at 8:00am and after the movie we can go to Natrillia, I’ll show you around and introduce you to some of my friends… if you want to.”
“Sure! That would be great. Thanks.” I said happily. When we got to school, Phoebe and Larissa came up to us and greeted us casually, they must have got over Lindsey’s presence. They asked me how last night went; I said fine and smiled at Lindsey, who smiled back.
The first subject for today was French. We were naming animals in French.
I wrote down the ones I liked:

Wolf: Loup Gris
Mountain lion: Couguar
Deer: Cerf
Beaver: Castor
Squirrel: écureuil
White dove: colombe blanc
Wild animals : animaux sauvages

After class Lindsey met me at the door, as usual, and we sat with Phoebe and Larissa.
“I see you two finally got over your reaction to Lindsey.” I said to the girls when we sat down. They smiled and agreed.
“Um, Kathleen, can I talk to you for a minute?” Lindsey said with a surprised, fearful look on his face.
“Yeah sure.” I said with a little concern. We both stood up and went to in the shade. “So what’s wrong?”
“What’s the date?” he asked with the same expression as before.
“20th November 2007.” He shivered. “Why?”
“That gives me until Sunday.” He mumbled. He cleared his throat. “Every fifty years, for some reason, the force field around Natrillia cuts off and the big construction companies try to build factories and other buildings all over Natrillia. It takes a month for the force field to work again. It’s the only time I go to war. I must go and prepare an army.” He was whispering so on one else could hear.
“Go and do what you must.” I told him and put my arms around his neck and hugged him. He put his arms around my waist to hug me back.
“I love you. I don’t deserve to be let go this easily.” He said in my Favourite voice. “I’ll pick you up at the same time tomorrow, same time, but we’ll go straight to Natrillia.” I nodded. He kissed my forehead. “See you tomorrow.” He released me and started walking towards the office.
“Bye.” I said to him. I went back to Phoebe and Larissa.
“What happened?” Phoebe asked.
“Family tragedy… he needed to go home and talk to family members and family friends.” I told her, since it was true.
The rest of the day was really slow. When I finally got to sleep I slept soundly with no dreams.
The next thing I knew it was morning and the light of the early sun was coming through my window. I looked at my watch, it was 7:30am, only half an hour until Lindsey was going to come. I got dressed quickly in my jeans and a sky-blue top which had a butterfly on the front. Once I was dressed I went to the kitchen and got some breakfast. I had vegemite toast, one of the many things we Australians are known for. Just as I finished brushing my teeth the doorbell rang, perfect timing. I went and opened the door for Lindsey. When I saw him he looked sad.
“Sorry I have to get you into this… if I knew this day was so close I would have waited until the war was over.” He said, his voice matching his expression.
“Don’t worry about it. I’d do anything to help animals from the evil side of humans.” I told him with a half smile.
“Thank you.” He said trying to sound happier.
“I’ll just leave a note for mum and dad, then we can go.” I said trying not to sound urgent.
“Ok.” Lindsey said cheering up a bit.

Mum and Dad,
I’m with Lindsey. Might not be back ‘till late.
Love you.

Lindsey was reading over my shoulder. “Good.” He sounded satisfied.
“Let’s go.” I said, heading towards the door. “What animal?” I asked hoping it wouldn’t be too over the top.
“Horse… If you don’t mind bare-back horse riding.” He said cautiously.
“Sure. I thought you might say Cheetah or something.”
“I wouldn’t do that to you.” He said in my favourite voice. “We need to go.” When we were out the front he quickly scanned the area then turned into a horse. I climbed onto him and put my arms around his neck so I wouldn’t fall off. He galloped very smoothly. After about 4 minutes we slowed down and stopped. I jumped off and he turned back into a human. He picked me up with one arm behind my back and his other arm under my knees. I put my arms around his neck again.
“Thankyou for helping us.” He said in my favourite voice. “You ready for me to step into Natrillia?” I nodded. He took 3 steps and suddenly I could see a large dam and beyond the dam was a huge lake. There were many small forest-like groups of trees and some large caves and a mountain range. My mouth hung open, speechless. “I knew you’d like it!” he chuckled.
“Like it? I love it!” I told him with true happiness for the first time in my life. “I’ve never felt like I belong as much as I do now… thank you.” I kissed his neck. He froze. Slowly, he stood me on my feet. Once I was standing he took half a step back and turned into a wolf. He gave a loud howl, not one of pain, but a howl of welcoming and calling. Soon after mountain lions, wolfs and deer started appearing. Then beavers, squirrels and birds. Lindsey sat beside me and licked my hand. I rubbed his neck. Seconds later, he was human again and my hand was on his shoulder. He took my hand and wove his fingers through mine.
“We’re home, now let’s protect it.” He whispered with my favourite voice. I nodded once with a smile. He shot our hands, which were still woven together, into the air. The animals all shouted in their own language. “Let me show you around.”
“Ok.” I said with a big smile. “I need to know my kingdom before I can rule over it.” He smiled back at me.
“You sound like a queen.” He said. “A very wise queen.”
“Thankyou.” The animals were starting to go away. “Where are we going first?”
“I was thinking the wolf’s cave.” He knew very well that the wolf was my favourite animal. “Some of my good friends live there.”
We headed North-East. Then we came into a rather large cave. It was very dark apart from a few corners where the cave had some openings and light flowed in trying to fill the cave. “The king is present.” Lindsey called into the cave. One wolf came forward, he looked quite young but strong. “Kathleen, this is Achates, leader of the wolfs.” A second wolf came forward. This one was a female but still looked strong. “And this is Nicola, Achates’ mate, second in command.” Lindsey turned into a wolf and ‘talked’ to Nicola and Achates. The two wolfs came closer to me. I looked at Lindsey, who was beside me, he nodded. I reached out with both hands and rubbed their necks. They seemed to enjoy it. I withdrew my hands and rubbed Lindsey’s neck. Soon after he turned into a human, my hand was still on his neck. He put his hand on mine to keep it there.
“Come and sit in the middle of the cave, where all the wolfs can see you.” Lindsey said. He let go of my hand and lead me to the middle of the cave under a sky-light, in the brightest part of the cave. I sat down. He sat in front of me and put his hands palm up on his knees. “Put your hands like this.” I did as he told me. About a half minute later a few wolfs started coming over slowly. They sniffed my hands. More wolfs started to come towards me. Soon after about 10 wolf pups came bounding over to me they started to nibble my fingers, I giggled.
Suddenly something pushed me to the ground with a thud. I looked up and centimetres from my face was a growling wolf with his teeth barred. Then a tiger grabbed the wolf’s hind leg, in his mouth, and pulled him off. The tiger was Lindsey. When the wolf was off me, Lindsey turned into a human and ran to me. He sad on the ground beside me and hugged me to his chest. My breathing steadied.
“Get out until your ready to apologise.” Lindsey growled at the wolf that attacked me. “He hates humans more than everyone else, he doesn’t even trust me very much… I don’t blame him sometimes, the things those humans do to animals.”
“I’m fine. Just a bruise on my shoulder. Nothing serious.” I said, now calm
“You sure? No sharp pain?” he sounded concerned.
“I’m sure.” He helped me to my feet. The wolf that attacked me walked slowly back onto the cave with his head bowed. He came towards me and licked my ankles, since I had shoes on. I looked at Lindsey, who nodded. I carefully rubbed the wolf’s neck, then pulled away. The wolf coked his head to the side, and gave a confused look.
“Your lucky wolfs are her favourite animal and she’s so forgiving.” Lindsey said smiling at me. I smiled back. Then Lindsey lifted me like he did before. “Now to the Mountain lion cave.” Lindsey said calmly, though he had fear in his eyes.
About halfway to the mountain lion cave, I saw a building. Lindsey caught me looking at it. “That’s the battle planning cove, one of the buildings that went up in the first war, we’ll go there when we’ve finished the tour.”
Once we got to the lion’s cave Lindsey stood me on the ground and put his arm around my back with his hand on my waist. “The king is present.” Lindsey called into the cave, like he did before. Once my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw many glowing eyes looking at us. They were feline eyes. I also saw many figures, two of which came forward. They were both males and looked identical. “Kathleen, this is Seled and Leon, they’re twins, and are both leaders of the mountain lions.”
The rest of the visit was much like the visit to the wolf’s cave, thought Lindsey never left my side. He didn’t want to take any risks.
“Where next?” I said once we left the cave.
“We’ll have a break first, then we’ll go and see the other animal’s homes.” He said with a big smile. “Come and I’ll show you where I go to think.”
“Ok.” I followed him around the lake and through a small part of a forest-like clump. We came to an opening where there was a small cave, which was about 1 metre deep, 1 metre wide and 1.5 metres high, that looked out to the lake. “Wow! It’s beautiful!” I exclaimed looking around.
“I knew you’d like it… I have something for you.” He said in my favourite voice. “Wait here.” He rushed into the cave and came out with a basket made from the reeds that were along the lake woven together. “I made this for you.”
“You made this?!” a said, amazed. He chuckled and gave it to me.
“Open it.” I lifted the lid. There was an armoured shirt and skirt, made of flat stones and leather. I sat down and took them out of the basket to look at them. At the bottom of the basket was, what looked like, a fingerless leather glove. “That’s an eagle glove… I want you to lead the army with me as an eagle on your arm. You shall stay in Natrillia until the war is over… You know about the humans better that we do… why do you look so sad?” He frowned, looking confused.
“I don’t know if my parents will allow me to stay with you for a month… what about school, it would be finished by the time the war is over… I will try and convince them, but I don’t know if they’ll give in.” I looked at him with a sad look.
“The power of love is greater than anything, anyone, can do to us.” He helped me to my feet. “I love you, I know I keep saying that but it’s true.” I covered his mouth with my hand.
“I know it’s true that’s half the reason I’m here.” He pulled away my hand.
“And the other half?” he said, putting his hands on my waist.
“The animals… Thankyou.” I slid my hands up his chest until one hand was on his neck and my other hand was on his cheek.
“Why are you thanking me?” He was smiling but sounded a bit confused.
“You made my life long dream come true. You have given me hope of a future far better than I could imagine. You have given me everything worth living for. And I love you too.” I kissed his neck. He held me closer. “I think we’d better finish the tour.” I said looking at my watch. “It’s midday.” He slowly loosened his hold on me, reluctant to let me go.
“Leave your armour in the cave, it’ll be safe in there.” He said, expressionless.
“Cheer up. I know you wanted that moment to last. Save it for when we win.” I said as I collected my armour and headed towards the cave. I put my armour behind a rock. When I came out of the cave Lindsey was still where he was when I left him. He didn’t move. I slowly moved towards him and put my hand on his shoulder. He didn’t seem to notice. “Lindsey? Are you feeling ok?” His hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. I jumped with surprise.
“I’m so selfish. I ask you to help lead the army, even though it could get you killed… I barely even know you. I haven’t even kissed you yet.” I covered his mouth, again, with the hand that he didn’t have firmly gripped.
“It’s ok. I was going to fight anyway. And as for kissing me, it gives you something to look forward to… Why are you so stressed?” He gently moved my hand from his mouth to his neck.
“I don’t to lose you or any of the animals. I know each one of them, and call them by name. They are family, the only family I know, the only family I have.” He sounded as if he might cry. He loosened his grip on my wrist. I put my hand on his cheek.
“We all go through loss in our lives… it’s either Natrillia and all the animals with it or a… smaller sacrifice. You are king, you make all the choices. Just try and make the right ones. We all trust you. I love you.” By the time I said the last sentence, I was whispering with a shaky voice. “I promise, if I die, your name will be the last thing to pass my lips.” As soon as I said this Lindsey hugged me tightly around the shoulders. I felt his body quaking and the wetness of his tears on my neck. “It’s better to cry than to bottle up all your emotions… even though that’s what I do. Sometimes I want to cry but I just can’t. Some of my friends have never seen me cry. It doesn’t come naturally to me.” I paused and felt his quaking get gentler. “Come and sit in the cave.” He raised his head from my neck and dropped his arms, then slowly started walking towards the cave. I followed close by.
He sat on the ground with his legs crossed. His eyes were red from crying. I sat next to him with my head on his shoulder and looked up at his face, which had a slight smile. “Are you ok now?” I asked, whispering.
“Better, thanks to you… Thanks for calming me down… did you mean what you promised?”
“Of course I do. If I didn’t I wouldn’t promise.” I confirmed. I raised my head from his shoulder and looked at him. He looked back and put his hand on my cheek. His hand was warm against my cool face.
“We must be going… we can’t keep the others waiting forever.” He kissed my forehead and stood up. He helped me to my feet and kept hold of my hand, rubbing it with his Thumb. “To the deer paddock.”
We walked through the opposite side of the forest. Then around another small forest to a large open plain where there were Spotted deer, whitetail deer, reindeer, moose and some other types of deer that I didn’t know. Lindsey gave a high pitched whistle and all the deer looked at us then turned towards us and bowed their heads. They then went back to what they were doing, except one male. He looked large and muscular and his antlers were larger than most of the others. “Kathleen, this is Derward, master of the deer.” Derward came forward and bowed his head to my level. I patted his head as I would a horse. He stared into my eyes and I stared back into his. His eyes were large and dark and somehow looked wise. After a short while Lindsey interrupted. “Let the other deer see you.” He led me around the field and let me be known to the deer. When I had met all the deer we left the paddock and headed south. We came to a group of trees, much smaller than the rest of the groups. Then I noticed there were small bridges between the trees with squirrels jumping lively across them.
“I’ll be back.” Lindsey told me and turned into a bat. He disappeared among the trees.
After a minute, he came back, turned into a human, and stood beside me. “They’re coming out to meet us.” He said looking up into the trees.
“They aren’t too busy collecting for the winter?” I asked.
“They’re never too busy for royalty… plus, it’s almost summer, it’s not autumn. They’re busier in autumn.” This was true. The days were getting hotter, though not quite warm. Today it was typical weather for Sydney, perfect.
“Thanks for sacrificing your time to give me the ‘grand tour.’” I said, and squeezed his hand.
“No problem.” He told me. He looked at me with a cheeky smile and kissed the back of my hand. “Anything for you.” His voice matched his smile, cheeky with a little edge. The sort of thing I like in a person. Soon the squirrels started to come. After 2 minutes they were all there. “Evon, come forward.” A small, female squirrel came through the crowd, which parted for her. She climbed onto Lindsey’s shoulder.
“Kathleen, this is Evon… she has just recently become leader of squirrels and is still shy.” Lindsey put his arm out to me with his fingertips on my shoulder. Evon cautiously scampered to Lindsey’s elbow. Then she stopped to look back at Lindsey and back at me. I, very slowly, raised my hand and started to rub her back with one finger. When I pulled away, she continued to scamper up Lindsey’s arm and on to my shoulder. Lindsey looked at me and smiled.
“You have the magic touch!” Lindsey said with a big grin. I gave him a confused look while letting Evon scamper down my arm for another rub on the back.
“What do you mean?” I said looking up at him, still rubbing Evon.
“You can gain an animal’s trust by just touching them. I’ve never seen anything like it.” He told me gently, while putting a hand on my neck. “Not even in myself.” This made me look up at him with a surprised look.
“You mean… I have power greater than you had before you transformed.” He nodded with a big smile. I was speechless. Then I noticed my mouth was hanging open. I closed it, without moving the rest of my body. Lindsey started to look worried.
“Are you feeling alright, Kathleen?” He asked with concern seeping into his voice. All I could hear was a distant whisper. Everything went white, then black.

I woke up on a bed of hay with a blanket over me. I was in a room with walls of twigs and tree branches, and a floor of dirt and clay. Beside me on the floor was Lindsey, asleep, in his wolf form. I draped my arm over the side of the bed and ran my hand down his side. He flinched and looked up, then he licked my hand. I pulled my hand away and he turned into a human.
“How long have I been out? And where are we?” I asked thinking about how much time I wasted.
“About half an hour.” He told me. “We’re in the beaver’s dam.” I lay back to rest for a minute. Lindsey took my hand and pulled me up off the bed of hay, and he lay on the hay and pulled me down onto him.
“You know we really don’t have time for this.” I whispered, and playfully nibbled his ear. I stood up and he stood up after me, and led me to another part of the dam. There were beavers everywhere working on the dam. Soon after they started to notice that we were there and some of them cautiously came over to Lindsey and me.
“The beavers don’t have a leader… they believe in equality.” Lindsey told me, and took hold of my hand. “They’re attitude towards animals and human’s living in peace is much like yours.” I looked into his eyes, they were purple. I shivered. His smile disappeared and his eyes turned pale pink. “Your not going to faint on me again, are you?” he asked with concern.
“No… I didn’t realise your eyes change colour.” He smiled again and his eyes went hazel.
“They change with my mood… what colour were they when you shivered?” He asked curiously.
“Purple… why?”
“Well, I haven’t had that colour until now… and I normally know what colour they are… for example they are now a chestnut colour.” He was right. “But if they are ever red or dark orange walk back slowly, without taking your eyes off me, then freeze… I’ll be angry.” I nodded understandingly. He took my wrist and looked at my watch, it was 5:30pm. “We’d better go to the battle planning cove… we have a lot to plan for the next few weeks.”

It took a few minutes to get to the cove but, as if programmed, the animals were already there. I thought the cove was pretty clean considering there were animals everywhere. On the opposite side of the room from the door was a small platform where there was seated all the leaders. Next to them were two seats, Lindsey lead me to one of the seats, we took one each. After two minutes Lindsey stood up.
“Brothers and sisters we all know why we are here, but this time we have someone who lives on their side fighting for us. She will save this place for us to be free and to live our lives without having the fear of being hunted. But we must fight alongside her so her efforts won’t be for nothing… like last time there might be some losses and since there are less of us it is more likely, but you are fighting for the freedom of you and everyone else in this land.” I put my hand on his shoulder and he stopped.
“I have seen what they can do, and how they have improved… they have machines bigger than any of you. They can kill you easier than ever… this may be the hardest thing you will ever do…” my eyes were filling with tears.
Achates, leader of the wolfs, spoke up. I looked at Lindsey for a translation. “He asked for suggestions.” I took a short pause to think.
“We must go wherever we can and find animals to help us… but we can’t take pets from houses because most of them serve their ‘owner’ and wont go against the humans. We must go now for it is getting later in the day. Lindsey and I will plan the rest as we search. Go in groups of five or more. Be safe.” They started to leave. I looked at Lindsey. His eyes were gold. “What does gold mean?”
“Pride… you will be a great leader.” He replied.
“We must go… there is a circus near the school.” I smiled evilly.
“Horse again or do you have a better idea?” He said calmly.
“Depends… do you want to scare them… or make a normal robbery?”
“It would be fun to scare them and probably easier too.”
“Can you turn into extinct animals?”
“Sure… Why?”
“Pterodactyl, I’ll ride on your back"

To be continued...


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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