Day Dreaming

Chapter 1 – Dreams
Everyone has a dream. Some people have more than a dream. The lucky ones, well, their dream is their reality. They live their dream. I’m not talking about the type of dreams that you have at night, the ones that you think you’re having. I’m talking about the kind of dream that comes to you, right out of the blue. Dreams that you believe in. Dreams that you truly believe in.
Juliet has one of those dreams. She has always had one, when she was four years old, she saw a movie called A Dream Life. It was about a girl who wanted to be a nurse in the army but her parents wouldn’t let her, but she did anyway. Little did Juliet know, she would be living a life very similar to the girl in the movie...
It was 2012 and in that time, there were many different sorts of people. There were the rich people, who Juliet thought lived in mansions and some made their money by being an actress or actor, being stuck up and posh, or a singer, either in a band or just by yourself. There were also people who did illegal things to make lots of money, and quickly. Then, there were poor people. Not fully poor, but people who made their money by doing normal things. Like a job. Not a singer or actor, but maybe a nurse, or a builder. Those people work hard to make their money. Sometimes their wages can be unfair and they are underpaid, so they work longer hours. But those people are the ones we should look up to. They’re working their butts off to give themselves and their family a living.
They might dream of becoming one of those recognised people and sometimes they will. But sometimes it’s better just to dream. No extra pressure. That’s what Juliet thought. Not exactly what she did though.

Chapter 2 – Held back
As I said before, Juliet had a believing dream. Even though she thinks that actors and singers are a bit stuck up, she had a dream of being one. She believed she could change all that rivalry between the rich and dedicated, though she had never had lessons of any sort. Her parents didn’t want her to. They didn’t want her getting any bad ideas from other kids. She was also home-schooled by her father, who she absolutely loathed. I know heaps of kids say that about their parents, but Juliet REALLY meant it. He was always controlling her every movement. Someday, she wanted to control his.
She loved music so much that she secretly took her CD player out into her backyard to listen, where her family, especially her parents, couldn’t hear it. Lucky for her she lived in a mansion. She was in a family that was rich, and not from stardom either. Unfortunately that gave her father more reasons to gloat, and he loves to gloat. He would go into town every now and then just to gloat, that and to get legless from expensive imported Danish beer. Juliet would be up all night hoping he wouldn’t come home, he always did though, she hated him more for that. People are always saying how you never know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone. Juliet knew exactly what she had, but her dad was always the one who knew what she was going to get.

Juliet’s brother; Hamish was and always has been, the favoured one. In the eyes of his parents he could do no wrong. Even when he got home after a binge with his mates, they would be there, offering him a drink of water or some cake and a lye down. He was treated like a god, unlike Juliet, who was usually only noticed when she did wrong, which was apparently 24/7. They shared a bond… called blackmail. It ran like clockwork, Hamish would tell her to get her a snack, of course Juliet being smart would say ‘yes’. I know what your thinking, why say yes? Why can’t Hamish just ask the maid? Because Juliet was smart, she would get it for him, knowing that if she didn’t he would tell their parents that she was enrolled in a private acting and singing school. If Juliet’s mum found out she might as well be tying herself to a pole and spit-roasting herself. Worse than that if her dad found out!! She would be road-kill, and not like road-runner with all the ACME junk, seriously dead road-kill!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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