The Evil Toilet

One fine day I asked the teacher if I could go to the toilet, he said yes. So I went to the toilet and I saw a peace of toilet paper on the ground and it lead to a toilet. So I went to investigate. You don’t even won’t to know what was in it. So I went and sat on one of the different toilets and there was nothing in it, but as I was just about to sit down I heard a laugh. I got up off the toilet then I heard another laugh. I tried to get out but the door wouldn’t open. I scream for help but nobody could hear me. The toilet started to move closer to me. Someone opened the door and then the toilet suddenly stoped. I see Ethan at the door. He said to me, what are you doing you idiot, I replied back, don’t call me an idiot you idiot. So I punched him in the arm. I told him what was going on but he didn’t believe me. The next day Ethan asked if he could go to the toilet. The teacher replayed back, yes. So Ethan went to the toilet. I found out that he went to the same toilet as me. After he went to the toilet he was never seen again. It was so sad for me because he was one of my best friends. It was so upsetting. Jackson, another friend of mine asked if he could go to the toilet that day. I quickly yelled out, can I go to the toilet as well? I told him it was an emergency so he said yes. So both of us went to the toilet. Jackson went into the toilet. So I waited outside for him. Suddenly, I hear a scream. I quickly run to Jackson. I yelled, what’s wrong Jackson he didn’t replay back. I kicked the door down. The toilet was getting closer and closer to Jackson. I quickly grab him by the shirt. The toilet lungers at him, it missed. We run back to the classroom. I told him to make sure everybody hears about this. He replayed ok. I’ll tell as many people as I can not to use the forth toilet. So they told everybody they saw. They went home to discuss about what there were going to do about the evil toilet tomorrow. So they went back to school the next day and they checked if the Evil Toilet was still there. To our amazement it was still there. When we went to the Evil Toilet half an hour after that we saw a wet floor sign so we could not go and check on the Evil Toilet. So we ended up waiting for two hours before we could go into the toilet. After about two hours were up we checked on it. I wasn’t there. We were so scared because it could be anywhere. That night I stayed over Jackson’s place. We couldn’t sleep. That morning we were late for school. We saw water splashed everywhere all the way to our classroom. We followed it. Water was around every desk. Jackson checked at the teacher’s desk. AHHH! The Evil Toilet lunged at Jackson. It corned both of us. Is this the End of them?
Find out in the next part of the Evil Toilet.
To be continued.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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