Saving Mabelin

It was a Sunday morning when Cassidy and Charlie were in their local park during World War Two. They were very hungry because most of their food had been taken out of their country, Switzerland. Suddenly Cassidy or Cass as she liked to be called heard something very strange, a simple scuffling from beneath her feet. Then something which was most uncalled for happened. Cassidy and Charlie were plunged into darkness below the ground.

Cass looked around at the place she was in. A bright candle sat on a rough table which overlooked a dirt woven room with sharp bits of rock jutting out from the wall here and there. A creature was sitting at the table, a creature that Cass or Charlie had never seen before. It had murky green skin, vile, ragged violet hair tinged with a greyish colour. It was truly a hideous sight. It stared at the children with coal black eyes then drew in a breath and let out, Save Mabelin! We are going to perish go to the next room find the crystal. Time is running out before the Cloak Of Darkness ends all our lives! Souls shall be lost and you must find out the legend.’ He fainted.
‘That was very strange and also what are we doing here?’ asked Charlie knowing that he wouldn’t get an answer.

Nether the less the children went into the next room because of their curiosity of what had happened to them, where they in a hunger daze from the war? Or were they dreaming? Or was it all true?

The two children stepped inside the dark room. There three crystals were sitting in a cave. Charlie remembered ‘save us’ from the creature and dove forward to knock the crystals of the cave rock they were positioned on. He succeeded in this. One crystal broke, real crystals never break but these ones did. Cassidy flew at the next crystal which was knocked off due to her speed and elegance. But the middle crystal was still on the table. Together the children spun and the crystal was knocked off. Strange mists evaporated from it and someone came forward. The mist cleared and the person was visible. He had grey hair, bright blue eyes and pale skin. He said “The creature in the other room was me, I was enchanted by a witch who wore a black cloak. The witch died but her spirit lived on inside the cloak. The cloaks power came from the crystals. She tormented Mabelin and she said she was sick of us. The cloak was going to stretch over our city where all shall perish. The evilness spread to the upper world and created the war. Now it is all over as will be the war.”
The children yelped with joy. Now all would be at peace forever.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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