The Mysterious Island

Hi, I’m Leo. Today I’m going to tell you about the time when my friends and I went to a deserted island.
Well, my friends and I with their families were on a airplane and suddenly there was a rumbling noise heard. It must be a volcano. Yes, it was. BANG. The airplane just split in half. Everyone fell in the water. Some survived.
My friends and I landed on a log. Together there are eight of us. We are Ben, Jett, Thomas, Gus, Sam, Stirling, Daniel and me.
Sam said “Look we could use these big sticks as paddles and go to that near off island.”
“We made it” said Thomas.
“Anyone here?” No answer.
Maybe I should do it again?
“Still no answer” said Gus.
We took one more step forward and fell down a trap. It was very dark. Aha, Jett had some matches. He found a candle holder with a candle. He lit that.
Oh no. The wall was closing in. Some spears came out. We were lucky Ben has a lasso. He saw a stick up high. He put the rope around the stick. We all climbed up. Some big heavy rock began to fall to the bottom. Daniel went right against the wall. No rocks hit him. Good. He started climbing the rope again.
When we got to the top, we saw a door. Everyone went through. On the other side there was a jackou pit, just like the imaginary ones from Ancient Egypt. The jackou began to climb the wall. I had a knife. We tied the knife on the lasso. We threw the lasso up on the roof and climbed through a hole in the roof.
Right in front of our eyes was a maze.
“We just got through” said Sterling.
We found a treasure chest in front of a cave. We took it and snuck out. A bear just woke up behind a rock and saw Jett and chased us up to the ocean. None of us fell in. Then we ran right up to a tree. We climbed it. He cut it down. Then a whirl storm was in our way. My friends and I dodged it. The bear ran straight into it. He floated up in the air and married the cloud girl.
Gus said “Maybe we could try to get the airplane’s radio working so we could call someone to rescue us?” If only we had some electricity. Stirling had am IPod. We could connect the electricity in that to the radio. It was very difficult. After a while we did it.
We waited on the land for an hour and someone came to rescue us. Two men lifted us up on a boat and took us back to Sydney.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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