Dark Forest

~Chapter One~
For a long time I stood there. Gazing up at the stars, listening to the trees sway above me, feeling the breeze in my hair. My toes dug deep in the mossy soil, my hands brushing past a wide oak tree. I looked around and watched the nightlife spring to life.
A wild cat prowled by and I watched its every move as it stalked its hidden prey. When it had passed my attention diverted to an owl, looking down from its branch, its deep yellow eyes stood out on the dark pine needles of a tree.
I breathed in the cold air, finding the solitude of the forest like a gift upon my soul. This is where I am supposed to be, where I come to get away.
Shadows and darkness concealed the forest’s depths mysteriously; the dusk’s light glazed the peaks of huge ferns and raffish weeds.
I knew the forest like the back of my hand, every stream or boulder, every oak, pine or beech tree.
This is my forest, my Dark Forest. I come here to escape from the life that I do not desire, the life that doesn’t belong to me.
I always wanted to roam here, but I had responsibilities. I just wanted to stay here, sleep in my favourite oak tree and drink the ice-cold water from the spring in the north.
I sighed and turned towards home while keeping in the shadows of the trees.

When I arrived home it was seven and my father was watching a football game and I noticed several empty beer bottles that lay undisturbed on the carpet. I briskly tiptoed up to the third floor of our mansion. There I found Bear and Puma.
Bear is my snow dog and Puma is my sandy coloured cat. Both of them are my responsibility, my father doesn’t know of them because he is too lazy to go to my room ever or notice anything.
Bear has a limp in his hind legs and can’t walk far distances and Puma is blind. That is why I can’t take them with me to the Dark Forest. Both of them are completely gorgeous and my only friends.
Puma stretched, sensing my presence, and walked towards me and rubbed his furry body against my legs. Bear got up slowly and panted towards me and started vigorously licking my hand. I scratched behind their ears and stroked their backs. I reached into my bag and brought out a can of tuna and two smoked pig ears. Bear went ecstatic at the smell and Puma tensed at the clinging of metal.
While they ate I felt as if it was yesterday I had found them abandoned near the forest. But actually five years had passed and I had hidden it from my father, five years since my father came up to my bedroom.
No one has ever seen my bedroom, the white washed walls where littered with drawings of tangled roots and the rough bark of giant trees. The only talent I had was that I could draw, patience was my ally and I could turn it to my will to create masterpieces. Not trying to sound full of myself.
I picked up a pencil and started to draw the wild cat that I had seen before.
I started with its eyes, going down to its nose and then its mouth. Once its head was complete I shaped its body and finished off with its tail.
I felt tired and hungry and went downstairs to make myself a meal. I washed and peeled some potatoes and cooked them while I made a salad with some lettuce from outside. I found a can of corn and opened that too.
Once I had eaten I was walking upstairs when I heard an angry yell from the kitchen. I walked back down and saw my father in a raging state, red in the face with squinted eyes.
He turned to me, “You! Your bad luck has just lost me eight thousand dollars! Its because of you that your mother is dead and now you will be too!” he yelled in my face. He made a swipe at my face but dodged it and ran away as fast as I could.
He would never go up the two staircases; his weight was off the scales as well as his rage. I slammed the door and sat down at the foot of my bed. I heard a crash and an angry yell, he probably had smashed the Chinese vase worth ten thousand grand.
A tear ran down my cheek and Bear licked it away. I smiled at him and dreamed what it would be like if him and Puma weren’t hurt, They would be able to travel with me, get away from it all, in the Dark Forest.
I had tried before but they couldn’t hunt for themselves and I had no money to buy them food. Plus foxes had attacked Bear once and I had to fight them off to rescue him, a thin long scar remained on my left arm.
That night I cried myself to sleep, no family or friends, no human comfort made me so alone that I couldn’t contain it. The solitude of the forest was welcome in my heart but the pain of no one is harsh.

~Chapter Two~
I woke up with Puma on my chest, purring in her sleep and Bear on my legs, his body like leg warmers.
I changed into my school uniform and brushed my black hair and let it fall freely.
I fed Puma and Bear quickly and raced to school. I wondered why I even turned up at school.
Its not like my father cared, he only worshipped gambling, alcohol and power. After his ranch hit bottom he married my mother and sold her farm after she had died. No one knows of my real father.
I guess I came to school to fill my head, and not let it get swallowed up by insanity. I was quite smart for my age since I had no other commitments dragging me behind like sports, friends or family things.
I have never watched television.
I arrived at school and everyone was still running around the playground. I found my tree and climbed it and sat in its branches.
When the bell sounded I grabbed my bag and went to my class. First I had science, Mr. Leron was lecturing us about evolution, I looked out the window and gazed at the mountains, day dreaming while listening to Mr. Leron’s slow speech on evolution.
“Leila! Pay attention! What did I just say” he snapped at me.
I turned and registered him, trying to remember what he said and I ended up blurting out everything, “The idea of organic evolution was proposed by some ancient Greek thinkers but was long rejected in Europe as contrary to the literal interpretation of the Bible. Lamarck proposed a theory that organisms became transformed by their efforts to respond to the demands of their environment, but he was unable to explain a mechanism for this.”
He gave me a loathing look and continued talking, ignoring me completely. I sighed; this was going to be a long day.
At lunch I climbed a fence that closed of the dam at the school. I heard one of the teachers yell something at me but I ignored.
I climbed a huge pine tree and ate an apple while I gazed at the square buildings of the school. I noticed the teacher was still at the fence, all teachers just let me go since they knew I was untamable.
I peered closely and realized it was a girl, someone I didn’t recognize. Must be a new girl, I thought.
The girl waved at me.
My eyes widened in surprise, everyone stayed away from me. Too different I was to them and yet here was someone smiling and waving at me.
I decided to come closer and dropped down and landed hard on all fours. I came out of the foliage of the tree and waved back.
A smile lit across my face, this friendly interaction was the first I had in years.
The girl jumped over the fence and starting running towards me. I took a step back, an icy feeling ran down my back. I had to get away. It was all too much.
As I turned I slipped on some mud and started to wobble in front of the dam. I saw my reflection, black hair and green eyes stood staring back. Then at the last second a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
I turned to see the girl, smiling, brown hair and freckles.
“Th-thanks.” I managed to stutter.
“No problem, err…” she replied, raising her eyebrows.
I frowned back.
“This is where you say your name,” she prompted.
“Oh, I’m Leila” I said.
“I’m Sabrina. I’m new here, I moved from the city. It’s so much nicer here than over there. I hated living in an apartment, now I actually have a backyard and I can finally see how blue the sky is!” she chattered.
Wow she talked a lot, I thought.
“Do you like it here?” she asked.
I thought of my abusive father, my loneliness and then I thought of the Dark Forest, Puma and Bear. A smile tinged my face.
“I love it here.” I replied.


For the rest of the day I no longer sat at my own desk as we talked, well she talked I just nodded along.
It felt nice to have friend, different but nice.

~Chapter Three~
When the bell rang, Sabrina and I discovered that we caught the same bus and ended up sitting together on it.
She got off at the same stop as me, we said our goodbyes as her mum was picking her up there and I was going to the Dark Forest. Of course she didn’t know that.


My eyes widened in shock, I had been in the Dark Forest for hours now even though it felt like seconds. That was not why I was shocked; the reason was the figure in front of me.
A wolf.
Huge and powerful with grey fur and white fangs, he had materialised as if out of nowhere. He stood about fifteen yards away. I breathed out slowly, and then launched myself up onto the branch above me, I grabbed on and swung myself up. I climbed swiftly to the next one out of harms way. I looked down.
The wolf had disappeared.


When I came home, I couldn’t stop thinking of the wolf. Never had I seen one so close, or at the Dark Forest for that matter. They always stuck to the woods that surrounded the mountains, not the Dark forest which was miles away. There was no large prey there as well, sometimes the lonely deer came through but the herds were well away from the Dark forest.
I slinked in quietly and shut the door lightly; I walked past the kitchen and frowned in disgust. The floor and kitchen counter was littered with cooked and uncooked meat, mostly bones and scraps. Another thing about my father was his addiction to meat. The reason to why he is so huge and massive. I shook my head and sprinted up the stairs.
I immediately hugged Bear and then Puma. It was such a long and strange day, with Sabrina and then the wolf. I nodded off to sleep with Bear and Puma close by.

~Chapter Four~
I woke up with a hungry belly and the midday sun in my eyes. I had slept till eleven meaning I had missed out on school. It didn’t bother me at all.
I quickly ate three slices of toast with jam and was out the door after I had fed Bear and Puma. I was at the Dark forest in over an hour and was at the spring in thirty minutes.
I took my clothes off and washed myself, the cold made me shiver but felt so refreshing. I stood under the small waterfall, listening to the constants drip of water. A splash echoed behind me and I whisked around and saw a grey furry tail disappear behind the rock hangings.
I dried myself quickly and changed into fresh clothes, I kept peering behind my back. I decided I was too wind up to visit the clearing in the deepest part of the Dark Forest.
I walked back and when I got home I had lunch.
Then I went upstairs and put Puma on my shoulders, warming my neck, and carried Bear downstairs. Then once outside they sniffed and lolled about in the small outside paddock. Grass grew wild in some patches, and Bear was rolling about in it.
They couldn’t go any further because the fence was electric.
The sound of churning gravel and a car screeching towards the house alarmed me, I quickly put Puma on my neck against her protest and grabbed Bear and hurtled upstairs.
I heard the door slam and held my breath. Pantry doors slammed open and shut and pans echoed on the wooden floor, and then I heard the sick sound of the snapping and crunching of bones and meat. I shivered and crawled into bed with Puma and Bear.


My room is very large, my wardrobe very empty. Only a uniform and an old jacket hung neatly and alone in there. I am never worried about leaving Puma and Bear somewhere crowded in the mornings. They had plenty of space to stroll around and laze in the sun by the window.
I got into my uniform, tried to unknot my hair, kissed Puma and bear on their heads and grabbed two peaches. I caught the bus again this morning, even though I usually walk. I haven’t really felt myself these past few weeks.
I felt I was missing something, waiting for something but confused and worried about it. The problem was, what is this something?!
When I got to school I found Sabrina in my tree.
I looked up at her, my eyes squinting, anger swelling up inside me. How dare she? Steal my territory.
She looked down and smiled, jumped out of the tree and spoke. “There you are! You weren’t here yesterday, what happened?”
I ignored her question, “What are you doing in MY tree?” I almost growled.
Here eyebrows raised, she asked, “Your tree? Huh? What you talking about Leila?”
But I ignored her again and lashed out.
I don’t know what came over me but I knew it wasn’t me controlling it. I was on top of her, biting, scratching, and kicking, in for the kill.
It was an even match; at the exact instant that I had thrown the first scratch she was biting, snarling and scratching. The whole playground of kids was watching, gasping at the ferocity of the fight. Then I felt warm blood spew onto my hands.
We both came to a halt.
I could see fear cloud Sabrina’s eyes. I was panting desperately for breath and so was she. I looked at my hands and saw blood drip. I felt a throbbing ache from my shoulder and burning agony. Bite marks had punched my skin and blood oozed from it.
I looked over to Sabrina and saw scratch marks run down her left arm and cheek. They seemed more like claw like than scratches.
Sabrina spoke first.
“What the hell happened?”
I shook my head in answer. I felt very dizzy, probably loss of blood. I knew where I had to go.
I turned and ran, I heard footsteps follow but I raced on.

~Chapter Five~
I felt hot and full of pain. I couldn’t move my arm at all. The blood had dried making me feel stiff and filthy. I knew Sabrina was following me but I couldn’t care less.
Once I reached the Dark Forest I was in but I heard Sabrina hesitate. I turned around and saw her face as pale as snow, which made her brown hair and freckles stand out. I walked back and offered my hand.
She looked at it, sighed and took the blood-encrusted hand and we were running. We reached the clearing and I collapsed onto the mossy soil. I breathed out in huge uneven gasps, and turned around and saw Sabrina leaning against a Pine tree.
“What are we doing here?” she whispered. She too was in pain.
“Too rest and figure out what happened. I’m so sorry, I have never as much hurt a fly.” I replied.
“Me too. I’m so sorry I bite you. It wasn’t me, I swear.” Sabrina mumbled.
I heaved myself up and ripped off some material from my dress. I staggered to Sabrina and offered my clean hand. She took it.
We hobbled to the spring, feeling trodden down.
When we reached it I dipped in the material and started cleaning Sabrina’s wounds, making sure the wound would not get infected, She flinched at the cold but kept still as I wiped away blood and dirt.
I rinsed out the material and started cleaning my own wounds, I looked carefully at the puncture marks on my shoulder.
“Sabrina, look here. It doesn’t look like human teeth. Its more like…fangs” I exclaimed.
We looked at each other horrified.
“Sabrina look at your arm. There were made by claws,” I told her.
I showed her my blunt fingernails which couldn’t tear her skin.
“I don’t have sharp nails.” I explained.
“Ok. Hold on. This doesn’t make sense! We were attacking each other for no reason with forces unknown!” wondered Sabrina.
“But I know” said a deep, male voice behind them.
We both turned to see a huge, grey wolf looming over them.
Sabrina screamed but I put my hand over her mouth.
It was the same wolf I had seen yesterday and here it was, he was much larger close up and he was talking!
“What?” I asked simply.
“Follow.” He answered.
I shrugged my shoulders and regretted it as I let out a hiss of pain. I looked over to Sabrina but she had already started to follow him up the rocks. I guess she really wanted some answers just as much as I do.
We followed him in silence and were soon in the Dark Forest’s clearing.
Where we met others.

An eagle, black and brown molted into its feathers.
A fox, dazzling bright and still.
A Lynx, luminous eyes and with a mysteriously woven pelt.
A Cougar, incredibly lethal and yet graceful.
An owl, tawny and yellow-eyed.
They all surrounded a smooth stone in the middle. Their eyes staring and focused, not turning towards the new visitors.
“The ceremony will begin” growled the Lynx to the far right.
“What?” Sabrina and I simultaneously asked.
The wolf walked up to the stone and started speaking,
“Brothers, sisters. We are gathered here today, the seven predators of the first forest. Today we shall initiate these fighters. Sabrina, will you step forward.”
I looked at Sabrina, but she had already reached the smooth stone and had her head bowed. I raised my eyebrows in serious confusion.
The eagle flew over head and dropped a feather on the smooth stone and sang out,
“I am the eagle. For the keenest of sight.”
The feather sent a small spark up and the eagle sat back down again.
The fox stepped forward and placed a paw print of mud on the stone, emitting another spark.
“I am the fox, my cunning is my skill.”
The Lynx padded forward and leaped over the stone, a spark streamed of her paws as she landed.
“I am the Lynx, for leaping…”
The cougar came forward and scratched the stone, and said, “I am the cougar, power in my paws.”
The owl swooped down and pecked at the stone, another spark also shimmered at the touch.
“I am the owl, eyes of the night.” He hooted.
The wolf came last and when he came up to the stone he pressed his muzzle against its hard cold surface. A glow reacted off at the touch, and he growled,
“I am the first, the wolf, I grant wisdom.”
When he had uttered the last words Sabrina had collapsed. I stepped forward to reach out to her but an invisible force stopped me. I tried to lift my arm but I felt frozen and immobile.
“We are the Seven Predators of the forest, we were the first and will always be. For over thousands of years we have protected the forests. But we have a threat. The bear has turned evil and desires to control the forest, but to leave the Seven Predators he becomes man but beast at will. He is no threat as man but if he takes the life of an initiated Fighter he will be invincible, he will break the bond of our circle. He will destroy the world. Do you know who the Bear is? The Bear of rage.” He whispered at me.
And suddenly I knew, my father was the bear of rage. He was huge, angry and had crippled Bear and Puma when I was a four when they were my pets to keep me with him. He had planned it all. I knew it, and he had murdered my mother to receive the power. But she didn’t have it, I did.
“How did I get this power?” I asked.
“You learn fast, cub.” Whispered the cougar.
The fox stepped forward and spoke, “Every hundred years a fighter is born, we do not know how or why, it just is. Fighters are given a rare gift, to become a true predator.” Explained the fox.
The Lynx came forward, “We each have a gift. I can see the future, I have just seen the Bear attack.” Her voice was urgent.
“Who did he attack?” I asked. I quickly looked over to Sabrina; she was in a deep sleep and was resting and healing.
“Bear and Puma” she answered.
I gasped.

~Chapter Six~
I tried to turn around but I was still immobilized, I didn’t care anymore about the Seven Predators or being a Fighter. It didn’t make any sense and I just wanted to get back.
I knew what I had to do, as soon as I got away I would grab Puma and Bear and runaway. Enough was enough; I had it with it all.
“You’re not going anywhere.” Growled the Wolf.
How did he know?
“I can read the thoughts of others” he answered me.
Great, so I was stuck here.
“What are we doing now?” I asked.
“We continue the initiation, you are destined to be a Fighter.” He answered.
As he said those words, I was free; I could move and walk, but only towards the stone. And I was walking towards it. I bowed my head. It wasn’t me controlling myself, I felt like I was changing but staying the same. I felt so confused.
Then I went deaf, I couldn’t see, smell, hear, feel or sense anything. I was alone, in nothing. I felt like nothing, only my thoughts were alive. This seemed to go on forever, the nothing was consuming and heavy.
The nothing started to lesson, I saw figures and shapes, heard mumbling, felt something furry, smelt something earthy. I opened my eyes completely and gasped.
I saw everything differently, everything had a message. Every smell was heightened, or sight magnified and sounds were a lot louder. I got up and fell over. I got up onto all fours and saw jet-black paws under me.


I turned behind me and saw that I had been transformed into a huge black wolf. I turned to Sabrina who was no longer human as well. She had turned into a beautiful snow leopard, a snow-white furry face littered with leopard markings, they looked like her freckles.
”Sabrina, is that you?” I growled.
She nodded in reply, to shocked at her sudden transformation. I too felt shocked but felt peace that I never knew I held inside me. I then remembered of Puma and Bear, I turned to Sabrina and told her,
“Stay here I’ll be back.”
She nodded again, speechless. I turned tail and ran. I never felt such power or grace. I leaped, jumped, sprinted, twisted, veered and curved.
I was at the mansion in no time, through the open window in a single bound, up the flight of stairs in a matter of seconds and burst through the door and landed perfectly.
I chocked.
Puma and Bear, horribly killed lay at my feet. Their throats ripped out and their fur soaked in their own blood. There eyes dead and lifeless.
I howled, knowing that was all I could do. Greave.
I turned and ran out, my thoughts only of anger and grief. I realized I was running towards the spring and kept running.
Once I was there, I lapped some water. I looked down at my reflection and saw I still had my green human eyes. I collapsed there, breathing slowly.
My poor Puma and Bear, my only family. Always comforted me when I was alone made me laugh, smile and feel happy. If none of this had happened, I would have been at the Dark Forest at midnight, knowing that Puma and Bear were safe.
But they were dead.
Anger swelled inside me, I needed revenge. I got up and ran to the Dark Forest, leaving myself behind and bringing out the wolf.

~Chapter Seven~
Once at the Dark Forest I met an ecstatic Sabrina.
She was leaping out of trees, bounding off rocks and rolling in moss. Her white pelt a blur as she ran around.
None of the Predators where around except for the Cougar.
Sabrina suddenly launched at the Cougar, twisted gracefully and scratching at her hide. Her claws were sheathed so she made no mark on the Cougar.
The Cougar attacked, like they were in training combat. Sabrina rolled under the Cougar and raked her claws across her belly, at that instant the Cougar was laying on top of her, about to bite her neck.
Sabrina wriggled out from under her grasp and leaped onto her back, the cougar bucked and finally rolled, squashing her underneath.
“Lets try again. You have to move in an instant, make snap decisions.” Said the Cougar.
I padded over and watched Sabrina lift her head up and leap towards me in a simple leap.
“Hi! Where did you go? Cougar explained it all to me; we have to defeat the Bear of Rage! She’s training me some combat moves. How cool is this? I’ve always waned something exciting to happen and here I am as a snow leopard! What’s it like being a wolf? You look so mysterious, and you still have your green eyes and I have my freckles. I guess we are still human in a way. Do you know that…” chattered Sabrina.
I cuffed her playfully with my paw, “You never stop talking, do you?”
“Nope.” She answered. She smiled, a big cat fang-full smile.
That was when I felt what Sabrina must have been going through, that wholesome feeling. Complete, that grief and anger that I had felt about Bear and Puma was gone, washed away. They would always be in my heart but right now I needed to do something.
“Do you know that we have our own powers? We find them later in our lives, but Owl can see through objects, um…Eagle can fly up to like two hundred miles a hour. Cougar has super strength, but she doesn’t use it on me otherwise I would be really hurt, I thought because of that cougar could defeat the Bear of Rage but it turns out that the Predators can’t hurt their own brother. Too bad, huh? It would be easier, cause I am so scared about fighting him, but Lynx said she’d help me perfect my leap if I need to get away, cause she can jump like fifty feet. I’m so new to being a snow leopard; I still don’t know how dangerous I am. How about you?” she chattered.
“Oh my god. Sabrina, shut up!” I growled.
I playfully jumped onto her and we were rolling about fighting. A flash of orange caught my attention and I shook myself.
“Is that you Fox?” I guessed.
He appeared out of nowhere right in front of my eyes.
“Wow. How’d you do that?” I asked.
“I can become invisible.” He answered. Then he disappeared again.
I turned to Cougar, “What is the Bear of Rage’s power?” I asked.
“His roar deadens your senses. You can’t hear, then you loose your vision, ability to feel and smell. Then you are at his mercy, one blow of his paw and your dead instantly.” She whispered.
I gulped, I looked over to Sabrina and she too had fear and doubt clouding her eyes.
“So how do we defeat him?” I asked.
“We practice and learn.” She answered.
“Now, one of you has to make sure he doesn’t roar. So you must keep him busy while leading him to the edge of the cliff where you can both push him off.” She explained.
“Oh! Can we go to the cliff and practice there, make scenarios and practice moves and everything?” asked Sabrina.
Cougar nodded.
We ran to the mountains, by the time we got there I guessed it was already three am but I felt full of energy.
“Ok, say the Bear of Rage has knocked out Sabrina and your left alone to fight the Bear, what do you do?” questioned Cougar.
“Um…I runaway and let the bear chase me then at the edge I turn suddenly and while he tumbles down I run back to Sabrina.” I answered.
“Good. We need to practice that. Ok, I’m the Bear, attack me.” She growled.
Sabrina lunged at her back but steered in mid air to her face and hit her eyes with sheathed paws. I raked my claws on her back and bit lightly on her tail. She rolled over and pushed us both back, leaped up and roared.
“Try again.” She urged.
I flicked my tail to the right, Sabrina lightly nodded.
“Start.” ordered Cougar.
We both turned tail and ran towards the cliff face, there I turned left and Sabrina leaped into a tree. Cougar came up; she looked up and raised her paws up at Sabrina. I came up from behind and lunged at her head, then Sabrina jumped down and rolled to the side, bit her tail then leaped quickly back into the tree, repeating the same thing over while I ran around Cougar, confusing her snapping at irregular times. I barked once and Sabrina fell out of the tree and we bounded to the edge. Cougar leaped at us and we split, she went left and I went right. Cougar went over the cliff edge and was falling.


I screamed. I turned to Sabrina but she had leaped after her, her body built for mountainous regions, it was like she was dancing on the steep, jagged rocks. She made it to Cougar where she was scrabbling for a hold.
I could just make out Sabrina grab onto the scruff of her neck and heave her up slowly. I couldn’t do anything; I was stuck watching helplessly as Sabrina struggled to hold onto her huge body. I wanted to leap down but I knew it would just be the death of me.
After what felt like years, Sabrina and Cougar had finally reached me. I felt enormous relief, none of them were injured just exhausted.
That night, we slept under the stars on the mountain. Too tired to go back to the clearing and to the others so they instead came up here.
Wolf arrived first, I was the only one to greet him as Cougar and Sabrina had fallen asleep. We stepped over them and padded over to the cliff edge, and talked under the full moon.

~Chapter Eight~
Wolf was answering millions of questions and I could tell he was getting tired but they just kept popping up.
“Can we turn back into our human forms?” I asked.
“You can at anytime. We shall teach you soon, the longer you stay like this the more you become a wolf or snow leopard. You’ll start to loose yourself and become an animal.” He answered.
“Have you-
“Enough” he growled.
He was right; I had asked over twenty questions. I walked over to a tree and fell asleep in it’s roots.
That night I had a nightmare, I dreamed of Bear and Puma being slaughter by the Bear of Rage, then he turned his huge teeth dripping with blood towards me. His black empty eyes suddenly became red and he roared.
I knew what would come next, the nothing. I would become blind to everything.
But it never came; instead I looked up and saw his paw rise and swipe at my head, feeling all the pain. My skull crushed and his claws scratched at my face, then he ate my heart to get my powers.
I was dead.


I whimpered when I woke up, the memory of the dream was painful.
The sun had just risen, leaving the sky at a beautiful pinkish horizon. I turned to look down and saw Sabrina with Lynx, jumping about like frogs on steroids.
I walked to them, and watched them leap ten feet and then fifteen and then twenty. It was magnificent to watch. I saw Lynx was getting tired, “Lets go get a drink?” I suggested.
When we were walking towards the spring, Sabrina was running at her greatest speed and climbing and spinning and flying through the air.
“Is this your power, Sabrina?” I called out to her, wondering if she even heard me.
I saw her race up, not even panting towards us.
“What do you mean?” she asked, her eyes wide.
“You have so much energy! You’re not even tired.” I exclaimed.
I turned towards Lynx waiting for support.
“It seems that you have endless energy, you can run or climb or leap for days at a time and you won’t get tired. But this doesn’t mean you don’t have to eat or sleep. You’ll die if you don’t eat or sleep.” She told Sabrina.
Sabrina looked ecstatic, and then we heard her belly growl. She smiled, “I can still feel hunger”.
My stomach growled as well, then the thought occurred to me. If I’m a wolf, I eat meat. But I never have eaten meat; it gave me such a sick feeling.
“Lynx, how do I eat as I wolf? I can’t eat meat because-
But I was cut off. I was going into the nothing. It felt so sudden, I felt nothing, saw nothing, heard or smelt. I was in nothing, nothing was surrounding me. I felt so alone and afraid.


I woke up, everything seemed different and unfocused. I got up onto all fours and collapsed. I had no paws or fur or tail. No muzzle or fangs or claws.
I was human again.

~Chapter Nine~
I was in my school uniform still, which was dirty and ripped in some places. I felt something throbbing on my shoulder and turned to see that my wounds had opened, blood trickled down my arm.
I had completely forgotten about it, I thought it had healed. I turned around and saw Sabrina snoozing, blood on her muzzle.
I turned to her and shook her furry body. She opened her eyes and blinked up at me.
“Your human again. You’re still in your clothes, weird! You can still understand me, right? You’ve been out for hours; it’s like lunchtime! Oh my god! That reminds me, I kind of ate a rabbit! I know, it wasn’t me it was my snow leopard part of me! I felt really sick, but I don’t remember it because it wasn’t me, somehow the leopard inside of me did it, not me. You now?” she yapped.
My eyes widened, Sabrina hunted?
I got up and asked her, “Where is Lynx?”
“Oh she went up to tell the others what happened to you, what did happen?”
“I don’t know. I just became human again.”
“Why?” she pressured.
I looked at her and frowned.
“Didn’t you hear me? I said I don’t know! I’m just so confused.” I whispered.
She licked my cheek, “Trust me, I know. I really wanted to go back to my family but the only good thing there is my sister, but she’s in another country! My parents wouldn’t care, they told me I was an accident when I was five and so many other things, love me much? But what about your parents?” she told me.
“My mother was killed by the Bear of Rage and I don’t know who my real father is. I was raised horribly and alone except for Puma and Bear,” I answered.
“Who are Puma and Bear?” she asked.
“My only friends, Bear a dog and Puma my cat.” I answered.
“Leila, why do you-
But she was cut off at the sound of a roar faraway. We both looked at each other in fear. We heard smashing and the sound of trees falling and snapping. Then heavy sound of paws hitting the ground coming closer and closer.
“It’s the Bear!” I screamed.
“Run!” Sabrina yelled.

~Chapter Ten~
We were crashing down the steep slope, Sabrina running ahead while I stumbled behind. I had no time to change back into a wolf so I was stuck as a human.
I looked behind me and saw the Bear getting closer, any second now and he would have me. I looked ahead for Sabrina but she was gone and so I was left alone to fight the bear, without a chance.
I glanced behind and saw a figure streaming towards the Bear. A snowy white blur of fur screeched and landed on the bears face. Sabrina was attacking the Bear herself, her claws dug into his eyes and face while he thrashed about manically.
I stood there helpless, watching. I wanted become a wolf so badly, to feel the power in my paws and the strength inside of me. I closed my eyes, hoping change would come. I opened them but I was the same.
“Ah!” I cried out in frustration.
I looked around and found a rock, picked it up and made a blow for his hind leg. It flew through the air and hit Sabrina’s head as he rolled with his claws flaying at Sabrina.
She fell off and rolled unconscious.
I screamed as the Bear of Rage came towards Sabrina, his fangs about to reach down and eat her heart in front of my eyes. I felt tears stream down, I had to do something.
I ran up and jumped onto his back, his fur was deep and long so I could grab on easily. He felt me and turned around to claw at me but I held on tight.
I knew what was coming next, he would roll and I would be crushed to death. My heart thumped wildly and my muscles ached as he shook sideways.
My throat chocked up, I was going to die and so was Sabrina. Puma and Bear wouldn’t be avenged. The thought of their innocent faces made me feel rage.
I let go, feeling new power surge within me. I landed hard, and watched as the Bear rose on his hind legs and came down. I rolled out of the way and bounced up.
I looked straight into his eyes, his red cursing flames of sight, saw Sabrina get up behind him, still a bit dazed from the hit. She crept up quietly and launched herself onto the Bears’ head once more.
She screeched out as she held on, “Run! Meet at the mountain”.
I nodded, her bravery stunned me and I turned around and fled. As I ran up towards the mountain, I slipped on something wet. I fell face down and hit my head on a rock.
I would have yelled out but I was already slipping into unconscious already.

When I woke up, I felt different. I opened my eyes, and saw everything from a different angle. I turned and saw myself again with black fur, tail, fangs and claws.
I leaped up, strength filled every part of me and I needed to get to Sabrina quick. I ran towards the mountain, my speed doubling at the second. When I reached my peak I kept going, gasping for breath when I had made it to the summit.
I searched my surroundings for any sign of Sabrina, praying that she was all right. I smelt her scent and followed it to a tree, there I found Sabrina resting on one of its branches.
“Sabrina, are you all right?” I barked up at her.
She turned her head and looked down at me, her face with relief.
She jumped down, “Leila! Oh thank god your ok. The Bear threw me off, and I ran away up here. He didn’t follow, I don’t know why though.” She said.
“I’m glad your ok, you were so brave.” I replied.
“What? You grabbed onto the bear in your human form! You’re the bravest here!” she exclaimed.
“Listen, never mind about that. We need to figure out how to get him up here so we can get rid of him.” I told her.
“We could set up a trap, dig a hole and put sharp stakes in the pit. Although, that’s just gross.” Suggested Sabrina.
A crash down below us made us turn and see the Bear raging towards us. I looked at Sabrina, she too had fear.
“Lets do this.” I said.
We came running at opposite ends, I launched onto his back and ran my claws down him. It left no mark, his fur was too deep. Sabrina scratched at his eyes and was thrown off with a wipe of his paw.
I barked.
Sabrina came shooting to the left and I dashed to the right. The bear followed Sabrina; we both met up at the edge of the cliff and watched as the bear throw him self at us.
I leaped out of the way to the left and Sabrina sailed to the right and the Bear went flying over the cliff. He managed to veer to the right slightly, leaving him a chance to grip onto something. He held on with his claws, his hind legs scrabbling for a hold. Sabrina was way gone and so should have I but I wanted to see him fall. He breathed in gulps of air, grunted and heaved himself up in one massive thrust.
He looked at me and roared.
My vision faded and I couldn’t hear anything. I felt so scared, I couldn’t feel my surroundings but I knew I was near the cliff. I tried to walk but I wasn’t sure if I was, the nothing was consuming and I had never felt so vulnerable.

~Chapter Eleven~
I knew that at any second I would be killed.
It felt so agonizing, to wait so long. The suspense would kill me before the bear did. Then I heard a bird caw, what a beautiful sound. I thought I would never hear again.
I opened my eyes and I saw the world again.

I breathed in the air and started running around in joy. I looked around for Sabrina, caught her scent and followed it. It came around and then went straight down the steepest part of the mountain.
I fought for breath.
Her scent went straight over the steep ridge and so did the Bear’s scent. I gulped nervously and looked over the edge. I saw Sabrina, badly injured with the Bear climbing up after her.
She leaped upwards but collapsed when she landed. She had lost too much blood. If only I could get down there or heal her or something. At the thought of healing her, a white light glowed off my front paws.
I was startled at the light, but it felt so nice.
I couldn’t watch Bear climb up, death reeking off him. I jumped down and slipped off the stones and went flying forward. I whimpered as I hit the jagged rocks, I reached out for a hold but I kept falling down the steep ravine.
Suddenly I landed hard on some stones, lifted my head and saw I was near Sabrina, she was on a ledge above me. I took a step back and ran up and jumped up. I landed wobbly but got to Sabrina.
I turned her over with a paw and gasped. Her whole side was soaked with blood. Her paw was crippled and her tail broken. My paws glowed brightly near the pain and wounds; I placed my paws onto her side and watched in amazement as blood reversed and went back into her.
Her skin healed in moments and her tail swished again. Her paw no longer stood at an angle. She was healed again.
She got up, life bouncing with new energy. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and what I had done. Her eyes widened in fear as a shadow loomed over me. I stood frozen, trembling as I felt the figure rise behind me. Then Sabrina did something brave.
She leaped over my head and pushed Bear over the ledge, still clinging on and falling.


I barked, screamed, whimpered, howled and yelled.
But nothing made Sabrina let go as she plummeted to her death.
I single tear rolled off my muzzle as I howled. I watched as she fought the bear in mid air, biting and scratching. So brave and fearless.
Then I heard that dreaded impact and sound of trees snapping and the dead silence.
No roars or growls, no hisses or snorts.

~Chapter Twelve~
“Sabrina!” I screamed out.
No reply.
I peered over the ledge and could barely see a white dot beside a huge bulky dot. Both weren’t moving. It was a four hundred foot drop, no chance of survival. I curled up into a tight ball; grief, guilt and pain built up until I was hollow.
Bear was dead. Puma was dead. Sabrina was dead.
Nothing mattered, nothing made sense. Nothing went right, everyone I loved became nothing. I am nothing. Then I went into the nothing.


When I woke up I remembered everything. I was still on the edge of the steep cliff and when I looked down I saw that Bear had disappeared. It didn’t matter, Bear could kill me and I wouldn’t care. Nothing to live for.
I could see Sabrina from up here, her limp body brought tears to my eyes. I healed her and then she died the next second. Guilt was like a lump in my throat, every time I tried to swallow or breath I would choke with grief and depression.
Everyone I had ever loved was gone. There was no place for me in this world, I climbed up the mountain slowly and carefully.
I had made my decision, I would run. Run away from the Dark forest, the mountains, from the predators, from my human side. I would be wolf. But before I did I had to do something.
Once I had gone down the mountain and then around to the steep side to find Sabrina, I placed my paws on her. My paws glowed and hope rose in my heart but it faded away.
I could not heal the dead.
I turned tail and ran.



Write4Fun.net was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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