Kitten Fangs

Kitten Fangs
By Tayla Smith

Hi my name is Eric,
I know this may seem silly, but I’m afraid of kittens. I don’t know how it started, but it must have started when I was 5 when Aunty Katie brought a kitten home. Its mother abandoned it and Aunty Kate’s sister, Aunty Amy gave the kitten to Aunty Kate and she gave it to me but as soon as I went to hold it, it bit me on the ear and hid behind the washing machine. We moved the washing machine but as soon as we did it ran through the cat flap and into the bushes and we never saw it again. From that day I called it Kitten Fangs because it seemed so mean but deep down I felt it would strike again. So that’s how I think it started.

Anyway, today we are going to the Perth Royal Show with Aunty Kate. I am excited, at least that’s what my mind tells me but my heart says somewhere a kitten will strike and tear me to pieces with its sharp razor teeth.
Outside I hear a giggle. It sounds like my little sister Rosie but she can’t have escaped because Mum locked her in her room after lying to Mum about spilling ice cream on Dads favourite shirt. Luckily Mum was on my side.
“Easy does it” Rosie whispers to her friend Kellie. “They need to look like real cat ears”
I turn around as ears go up and Kellie yells in a scary voice, “Here comes kitten, the big bad kitten, here to rip you to shreds”.
I knew they were just cardboard but it really freaked me out.
“Kids are you ready to go to the show?” said Mum stuffing money in her handbag.
“Yes Mum” I said, scared to be attacked by a kitten...or worse Kitten Fangs.
The phone rang. I thought it was a weird time to ring before the show. I looked at Mum as a frown formed on her face, then she hung up.
“No show” said Mum.
“What?” I asked
“There is no show today. Aunty Kate is sick.” Mum answered
“Oh no” I said sadly.
“Are we still going somewhere?” asked Rosie.
“Yes we are, we are going on a bush walk.” answered Mum.
“Yippee” said Rosie excitedly. “I love bush walks”.
I packed my spare clothes and got ready for our bush walk and then I remembered. “Mum,” I said loudly over the vacuum cleaner “what if Kitten Fangs is out there?”
“Honey, he’s harmless” Mum replied.
As we started our walk, I snuggled up to Mum just in case Kitten Fang attacked. After an hour of walking, I saw a small figure in the bush, “Ahhh!” I screamed as the figure came closer. It meowed, it was Kitten Fangs, and he was really skinny. He was harmless and he just wanted some food. I gave him a sandwich and took him home.

From that day I called him Kitten Whiskers. So now, if I see someone who doesn’t like me or I don’t like that person, I remember Kitten Fangs and the lesson that he taught me.

The End


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