Victoria, The Mouse And Dreamland

Ciara Ferguson,
age 11
Birthdate 31/1/98
Year 6,
Fulham North Primary,
Cheadle Street, Henley Beach, SA 5022


One snowy winter’s day, a little girl named Victoria was comfortably reading by the fire. Her book was very interesting, and Victoria would have read it all day if a very strange thing hadn’t happened.

A round mouse, with rather large ears- as well as many other peculiarities- scurried past her, huffing and puffing about one thing or another. “Oh dear me!” he muttered to himself, “Wherever could my tuxedo be? Wherever could it be?!”. Victoria found this remarkably funny, and began to chase after the little fellow. “Wait for me! Please, do wait!” she began, but the animal had no desire to wait for her.

Being the inquisitive girl that she was, Victoria followed the mouse through the fire grate (it was a miracle that she didn’t scald herself!) and into a small courtyard, seemingly lit by glow-worms. The mouse raced to an old-fashioned phone box, and animatedly began to make calls. Soon after his fifth call, a hare, wearing a comical purple feather-boa, hobbled into the room, and dragged Victoria into yet another courtyard, this time lit by genuine copper lamps.

It was there that three strange elf-like creatures came up to Victoria, and chorused, “How do you do? We are the Too-Too people, how can we help you?” in eerie, owl-like voices. “I was looking for a round mouse, that seemed to be going to an important meeting, as he was looking for his tuxedo. Have you seen him?” Victoria answered. “Oh no, we haven’t, but we can take you to King Kofelhantrianobin, he may be able to help you”, the elves suggested. “Okay!” said the little girl, and off they went together.

The Palace was grand and inviting enough, but nothing compared to the King himself. Victoria liked the look of him from first sight: his warm smile and elegant crown, and when he invited them for High Tea, she was overjoyed.

Unfortunately for Victoria, things weren’t all “happy as Larry” from beginning to end. At first, the King was very kind, offering to pour Victoria a cup of tea, and so on. But when she refused the ninth piece of cake that he presented her, the King began to lose the plot. “How dare you refuse the King!”, he shouted, while throwing a teacup at Victoria, “Have I ever done you wrong?-NO!, I have invited you to my Royal Luncheon, and if that is not good enough for you, then we will see what happens, won’t we!”, he said, and threw another item at her. To escape the madness, Victoria stealthily crept away to the nearest palace entrance. “I should be safe in here”, she thought, as she ducked under an archway.

All of a sudden, Victoria found herself twirling and whirling, everything that had happened swirling into one. “Victoria darling, you’ve been asleep for a long time!’, came a voice, and she sat bolt upright. “Have I really been asleep for ages?” Victoria asked “It all seemed so real! Anyway, I’m glad it’s over!”.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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