
Uknowen to the world that we all know there lay a world far beyond us the world they called karsade. It was a horible place of trolls and goblins, but the worst of all was Lord Garrum. He was the meanest person anyone had ever met. He killed people for wrong doings they had done,no matter how small they were, he would have it his way or no way.

Until one day a fair lady named jenever walked into his castel and said to him "please lord garrum i come to you to ask if you will be so kind to let me work for you as a maid so that i could earn some money" he was suprised for it had been decades since someone asked to work for him, he ussally forced them so out of suprise he said said to the ladie " why do you come to me ladie when you could work any where else havent you heard i am very mean." she pondered then awnsered him " Lord i do understand your reputation but i have grown up not to think of people in such ways, everyone is good in there own way they may not know it but it will find them, there are many definitions of good and i Lord will respect yours" the lord had never had some one be so understanding of him " fair ladie i have granted you work at my castel".

she worked very hard she made the castel glisten. the Lord had now became very fond of her she was starting to become one of his only friends. the Lord started to think about his life and how he had acted, he thought about how kind her heart was and the way she accepted him with his reputation. so slowly he began to change himself for jenever because he became deeply in love with her.

jenever had started to fall for Lord garrum and as they expressed their never ending love whilst walking into the sun set they lived happily ever after.

the end


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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